
At Andrews Technology you not only gain the power and performance of a world-class product, you also get a strategic partner that will stand alongside you and make sure you have access to all the resources you need for success.
We start by getting you up and running as quickly and efficiently as possible, with minimal disruption to your organization. We do that by giving you a roadmap to success, with all the tools and help you need along the way. And we’re right here when you need us because, as far as we’re concerned, we succeed only if you do.
At Andrews Technology, we put our customers first!
Customer Care Center:
- Our Customer Care Center is available 24 /7, 365 Days a Year
- Your call is guaranteed to be answered by a certified, trained technician
- We also offer on-site support, including hardware installation and problem resolution
Education and Training:
Andrews Technology is known for providing the highest levels of training in the industry. We are confident our customers will be satisfied with the training program. In fact, Andrews Technology has consistently received a 98% in customer satisfaction; this data has been provided by an external rating agency.
In addition to our training options, we provide extensive educational material to ensure complete and up-to-date knowledge of your UKG Ready or NOVAtime system.
- Unlimited training is provided at NO additional charge for the duration of the use of your system. In other words, if you need a new employee trained (one, two, or five years later), you are guaranteed the additional training at NO CHARGE.
- This ensures that the customer’s key personnel will be comfortable with the software before going live.
We prepare our staff, business partners, and Certified Engineers to help you with configuration, implementation, and production questions.
Our trained professionals are required to pass rigorous web-based and on-site training classes, as well as certification programs in a range of our products in order to sell, install, configure, train, and support our customers.
Our expertise is behind every sale and installation.
Full Device Replacement
Andrew’s Technology will provide a replacement device within 24 hours or less.