
NOVAtime Technologies Announces Andrews Technology as their Most Successful Global Business Partner of 2014
By David Robinson

Andrews Technology earns NOVAtime’s Prestigious Award for being the #1 Global Business Partner of 2014.

During the annual NOVAtime National Conference in Las Vegas, NV, Andrews Technology accepted the award for being the 2014 Business Partner of the Year. Andrews Technology also earned the same award in 2013 and 2012 making this the third consecutive year receiving this highly coveted award.

Andy Blundell, the President of Andrews Technology, accepted the award and had this to say, “This past year was a very successful year for us, exceeding our results of 2013. We are truly fortunate to have a team committed to providing superior customer service, and we are appreciative of the continued loyalty of our customers. We anticipate 2015 to be our best year yet.”