UKG Telephony

The Asher Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system is an alternative to the standard timeclock, allowing employees to communicate labor information and enter time and attendance information using the keypad on a touch-tone telephone or mobile phone. This can be especially beneficial for businesses with off-site employees. It can be as simple as calling in to make an automatic punch, or it can be used as an in-depth, customizable solution that is configured to your specific business processes.
- Specified access to help prevent fraudulent punches
- PIN-based security to eliminate the need for badges
- Multilanguage support
- Customizable call menus for high-performance access to employees even at peak times
- Local or 1-800 numbers available
Telephony/IVR Solution
- 5,000 EE user capacity
- 10-level job costing
- Extra pay
- Outdoor use
- In/out prompt
- Piecework